Available Discounts NapaGold by WIX, Baldwin, and Donaldson
10% Discount For Orders Over $125 - 20% Discount For Orders Over $200 - 25% Discount For Orders Over $1,000
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Do I have to have an account with you?

    No, you can check out as a GUEST.  However, if you create an account, you wll be able to:

    • Save your name, address, and shipping information for future orders.
    • Save your credit card information (securely, of course!)
    • Add vehicles to YOUR GARAGE and attach filters to those vehicles so reordering is easier.
    • View past orders and reorder from those past orders.

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    2. Does creating an account get me a better discount?

    No - the regular purchase discounts will automatically give you:
    • 10% off for orders over $125
    • 20% off for orders over $200
    • 25% off on orders over $1000
    These discounts are calculated as a DISCOUNT in the subtotal of your cart.

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    1. Are discounts given on a single part number or on the whole order?

    Discounts are given on the entire order and listed under the subtotal. 

    NOTE that on the product page, we list the discounted prices for those filters so that you can price compare with other companies and sites.

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    2. Do I have to order case quantities or any quantity I want?

    You can mix and match whatever filters and whatever quantities you like. 

    We list the case quantity with the part number so that you can purchase by the case and know that quantity.

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    3. How can I cross my part number to your part number?

    On FleetFilter's front page are two links to the manufacturer's homepage of the filters that we stock – those links will open the Application Page of those companies’ websites. In addition, those same links are here below:

    WIX FILTERS cross-referencing and vehicle look-up

    BALDWIN FILTERS cross-referencing and vehicle look-up

    If you have a long list of which you would like us to cross-reference them, we'd be glad to! Email them to us at sales@fleetfilter.com.

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    4. What if a good WIX number doesn’t show up on the site?

    There are two primary reasons why filters may not be on our site: 

    (1) it is a new part number and it hasn’t been placed in our database yet, or 
    (2) it is an uncommon part number that is special order. 

    Call us at (866) 949-3458 or email us at sales@fleetfilter.com, and we will verify that the part number is a good number and we can check availability with WIX.

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    5. Are these filters new or old stock?

    All of these filters are NEW FILTERS that we purchased recently from the filter manufacturer – none of them are old-stock from bankrupt companies. We buy by the truckload weekly, and simply roll those savings to our customers.

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    6. Do you send a tracking number or confirmation?

    After your order has been finalized, you will receive a confirmation email from us that gives you the FedEx tracking number and a link.

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    7. Do you offer tax-free purchasing for qualified Texas Resellers and Farm Use purchasers?

    Yes, but the required Texas paperwork is mandatory. Download the State of Texas form, complete it, and either email it to sales@FleetFilter.com or fax it to us at 979-830-8104.

    Texas Agricultural Sales Exemption Certificate

    Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate

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    1. How do you figure shipping costs?

    FedEx calculates shipping by the weight of the filters PLUS the size of the box, PLUS how far that package has to travel. The only way to know your shipping charges is to add filters to your cart, and use our SHIPPING ESTIMATOR prior to checkout.

    FedEx will charge a minimum amount to ship filters anywhere, but the more you buy the more economical it is. For example, one filter may cost $10.00 to ship but twelve filters may only cost $12.00.

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    2. What carrier do you use to ship?

    We use FedEx for 100% or our orders to US and Canada – it is most efficient to use only one shipper and integrate their systems with ours. We do not ship to any other countries outside the US and Canada; a US/Canada ship-to address is required.

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    3. Do you ship outside the United States?

    We regularly ship to Canada via FedEx International; for companies who want to do large orders, we are required to have a US ship-to address. No, we do not ship to Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Europe, or Australia.

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    4. How soon will my order ship?

    We stock over $900,000 in new inventory and almost all of our orders ship within 24 hours.

    • Filters listed as STOCKING ITEM are generally in-stock and ready to ship same-day.

    • Filters listed as SPECIAL ORDER ITEM means we will need to order that filter from the factory since it is an uncommon filter. This usually takes us about (10) days to get it in our possession. 

    If there is a delay on your order, we will notify you by email when we receive your email.

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    5. Do you offer free shipping?

    No. If we offered free shipping, we’d have to raise our prices, and we don’t want to do that!  We would rather be up front with our filter prices and shipping so you can make an educated decision on your purchase.

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    6. Can you process very large orders?

    We do offer free shipping on orders that are over $5000 because we can have WIX ship them directly to you and WIX will pay the LTL freight charges. These orders do require case-quantity purchasing.

    If this is the method you'd like to use, you can place the order online and write in the Comments section that you'd like factory direct LTL or simpy email us at sales@fleetfilter.com with your request.

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    7. Where are you shipping the filters from?

    We stock what we sell, so our orders are shipped from Brenham, Texas; Brenham is a medium-sized town in between Houston and Austin. 

    If you're a Texan, then you also know that Brenham is the home of Blue Bell Ice Cream and just next door to Washington, Texas which is the birthplace of Texas!

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    8. How long will it take for me to receive my order?

    Most orders are sent out within (24) hours and FedEx usually takes 3-4 days to deliver the shipment. It has been our experience, however, that orders placed from Texas are usually received within (24) hours.

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    9. Do you have any other locations?

    No, we only have the one location in Brenham, Texas!  We are not affiliated with any other distributor, so filters bought from FleetFilter will be shipped from FleetFilter!

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